Pakistan Is 12th On the List of Spamming Countries


According to a list released by the security firm, Dirty Dozen, the most spam-relaying country in the world is the US. The list contains the names of 12 countries and on number 12 is the name of Pakistan with 2% of the spam messages contribution. The US sent 11.3% of all spam during September of this year. The second comes South Korea with 9.6% and it previously was at number 7.

Now the amazing fact is that although the US is the worst offender in this case, but altogether the whole of Asia contributes to a significantly higher proportion of global spam more than ever before with almost 50.1% coming from the continent alone. When looked at in terms of continents, Europe is the second with 21.4% and North America is third with 14.2%. Pakistan was previously not on the list, but since the third quarter of 2010, Pakistan has joined in along with Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Pakistan being on the list indicates that there are many companies here which are trying to sell wrong things using spam messages that will draw the attention of a user and probably entice him enough to go ahead and buy something. In order to protect one’s computer system against spam, the only solution is to keep one’s anti-virus software up-to-date. The reason the spam attacks occur is due to clicking on links or attachments in spam messages. Hence, to protect your system, never ever open a spam message regardless of whatever it claims and says. Always directly delete it without wasting your time in checking your spam messages.


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